Why I hate long delays at the airport

Have you ever been just one flight from your vacation? Or maybe one flight to your nice warm house you haven’t seen in a week? I know I have! And my flight being delayed is not what I want.

I mean, there are some nice things about having a delayed flight! Not being rushed to board on time, you can go to the bathroom one more time before your forced to go to the bathroom on the plane the size of a small closet. But even with these perks, having your flight delayed 4 hours, not fun.

Normally for a flight delay we just buy some extra magazines and wait around our gate until we can board, but this time it was a whole 4 hours. I texted on my phone, called people, and waited around luckily, the flight boarded an hour earlier than it was supposed to. But definitely not a great start to my vacation. This is why I hate my flight being delayed.

One thought on “Why I hate long delays at the airport

  1. I also hate long delays at airports. It’s like you pay so much money and get there so early and they just have to ruin it for you. They should really pay you your money back and still let you take the flight.

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